Devoted members of the MCA Board work diligently all year long to make Mirrormont an even better place to live. Mary Nelson, Lisa Lux, and I even took on multiple roles.
We thank the 287 families out of 600 households who paid their $50 annual dues for 2016, and are grateful for all volunteers who help make the events listed on p. 11 happen!
Our budget depends on the number of MCA households who pay dues each year, which has risen over the past three years, enabling us to offer you more:
2014: 232 members / $11,600
2015: 272 members / $13,600
2016: 287 members / $14,350 * out of the 600 households in Mirrormont
In 2015, we introduced the Firewise Program and Chipper Week. In 2016, we added the Talent Show, Tour of Historic Homes, Signpost Program, and Safety/Emergency Preparedness Program. And the Welcome Committee, Connie Harris and I, gave a record-setting 50 Welcome Bags to new homeowners.
To expand the services we offer to our community, I wrote three grant proposals, and we were awarded a total of $4400:
$1500 for Chipper Days from King County Forestry from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, under the federal Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, Title III.
$1500 for Chipper Days from Washington Firewise Community Small Fund Grant from Washington State Department of Natural Resources.
$1000 for reflective street address signposts from King County Community Service Areas (CSA) Grant Program.
Vern Redecker coordinated with Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council (UAC) to bring us another $400 for CPR/First Aid classes organized by Lynnette Eastlake.
Since the grant money didn’t cover all expenses for the signpost program and Chipper Days, we asked for homeowner co-pays of $22 and $20 respectively. The CPR/First Aid classes had a co-pay of $40.
Our plans for 2017 include:
Adding electronic recycling and a shredder truck to our Spring Clean-up (contingent upon receiving a CSA grant)
Reviving our Tour of Gardens
Initiating a Firewise project to clear out around our fire hydrants
Implementing CERT’s MAP Your Neighborhood program
We appreciate your help in making these programs a success. Please contact me at to volunteer to help organize these programs.