On behalf of the MCA Board and the Architectural Review Committee, we want to welcome close to 50 new homeowners who moved to Mirrormont in 2016. We hope you will thrive in your new home and our community. Over the coming months we look forward to meeting you, whether it be walking down the streets, at the park, or during a community activity.
It is important for new and not-so- new homeowners to be aware of the Covenants attached to our property titles when we purchased our homes. You may already have some ideas about how you’d like to improve your property. Before beginning a project, please contact the MCA’s Architectural Review Committee, which evaluates plans for new homes, additions, and fencing to ensure compliance with our Covenants: Architecture@mirrormont.org.
Mirrormont Covenants and Architectural Guidelines are posted on the MCA website, www.mirrormont.org, the official communication channel between the Board and the community. We also include them in Welcome Bags given to new homeowners. Nextdoor (under Documents) lists common reasons to contact the Architectural Committee, as well as reasons you may be contacted by them.
The Architectural Committee’s review process seeks to educate members on compliance with the established Covenants, which have specific provisions regarding what can and cannot be done on your property, at the same time advocating individual responsibility in the process of enforcing the covenants. Please take the time to consider your neighbors.
Over the years, RVs, boats, and trailers have become more common and their visibility is becoming a cause for concern. Please be sure that they are screened from the street and your neighbors. Temporary garages/tent structures are not permitted and you may be asked to remove these from your property.
We are grateful to Mitra Mohandessi for her dedicated years of service as co-VP Architecture, and are delighted that Kevin Price and Rachel Wright have stepped up to serve on the Architectural Review Committee, with me continuing as VP.
Part of being a good neighbor is adhering to these Covenants, which will help preserve our property values and the unique character of our community.
We know you’ll find Mirrormont is a great place to live and we encourage your participation in our activities, functions and meetings.