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Mirrormont Covenants and Architectural Guidelines

This is a compilation of the covenants applicable to most of the property within the Mirrormont Plat, but the exact terms of the specific covenants applicable to your properly only may be determined by examining the covenants recorded against the property. In most cases, a copy of these covenants will be attached to the title report you obtained when you purchased your property.


If you have any questions please email us HERE

C.1 - Land Use and Building Type

No portion of the area of application shall be used except for residential purposes. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on said area other than detached, single family dwellings, having not less than twelve hundred (1200) square feet of habitable main floor area, exclusive of garages, porches and patios, which latter shall be considered permitted appurtenant structures. The architectural committee may waive this requirement under special circumstances where the character and quality of the structure is (sic) unusually good.

Guidelines: Mirrormont is a strictly residential community; any other use which indicates that a property is not strictly residential shall not be allowed. Such uses include, but are not limited to: any activity(ies) that creates an unusual amount of trash, scrap, dust, noise, odors, or other similar by-products; causes an unusual amount of transient traffic or storage of automobiles or other such equipment; or which requires construction of unusual structures of any kind (refer to Part C: C.8. Building Plan Approval). Enterprises which do not create the aforementioned circumstances, i.e. home offices or small day-care operations, may be found acceptable.

C.2 - Building Placement

No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot so as to be closer to the street or road line than thirty five (35) feet, except on corner lots, in which case the minimum set back shall be twenty five (25) feet along the longer of the two frontage streets. The minimum set-back from the side lot line shall be ten (10) feet unless a shorter distance is approved by the architectural committee for good cause shown. Minimum set-back from the rear lot line shall be thirty-five (35) feet.

Guidelines: The location of buildings and associated property boundary setbacks are intended to maintain the low-density, wooded characteristic of Mirrormont. Sufficient separation of structures provides space for wooded buffers between both adjacent dwellings and between dwellings and the street. Any plans which may impact the buffer will be reviewed with consideration to the adjacent property. Variances to the standard setbacks may be requested on a case-by-case basis, and will only be granted if deemed that that natural wooded buffer will not be compromised, as agreed upon by both the Architectural Committee and the adjacent property owner (in writing).

C.3 - Completion of Structures

All structures or buildings shall be completed on the exterior and painted within one year after commencement of construction.

Guidelines: Commencement of construction will be considered to begin when initial alteration of a property is made to accommodate construction activity; i.e. tree removal, excavation, site clearing, etc. Approval of submitted plans by the Architectural Committee will specifically refer to the plans submitted by the property owner, and will include whatever conditions or additional requirements the Committee has placed upon the approval. Completion of construction will be considered to include: completion of structure exterior, landscaping or other property improvements as specified in the approved plans, and satisfaction of all conditions or requirements included in the approval.

C.4 - Temporary Structures

No structure of a temporary character–trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding–shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, except that travel trailers and/or campers may be stored providing that they are screened in a manner acceptable to the architectural committee.

Guidelines: All parcels within the Mirrormont plat are deemed single-family usage, and as such, temporary or permanent creation of additional dwelling units (ADU) on Mirrormont properties is not allowed. The construction of sheds, garages, shops, studios, etc. are generally acceptable, however plans for these structures should include enough detail to determine that no habitable space is included. The Architecture Committee does not require that the construction of tree-houses, forts, or other play structures be reviewed by the Committee, provided that such structures do not impact property appearance, condition, or status as a single-family residence.

Storage of trailers, motor-homes, campers, etc is allowable, provided that they are not in use as a residence at any time during storage. Such items must be screened so that they are not obviously visible from either the adjoining property or from the street. Acceptable screening is obtained with natural vegetation, or a man-made screen as approved by the Architectural Committee. Blue plastic tarpaulins (tarps) are not acceptable as appropriate screening material.

C.5 - Livestock & Poultry

No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any portion of the premises affected by these covenants, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept on the premises of the owner, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose, and except that horses may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads.**

Guidelines: The definition of livestock and poultry includes, but is not limited to, such animals as: chickens, ducks, geese, peafowl, pigs, goats, sheep, cows, llamas, big cats (genus panthera or similar) donkeys, and horses. These animals (except horses as specifically allowed in designated areas listed in amendments to section C 5) are not permitted to be kept in Mirrormont for any reason.

Household pets are permitted and are expected to be kept in a manner that does not disturb neighbors. King County rules are expected to be followed regarding the number of animals on a property, licensing, kennels, leashing, etc. Animals must be kept on the owner’s premises or be controlled by leash or voice command at all times. Outdoor kennels for breeding or boarding of animals is not allowed. Small structures such as dog houses or runs are to be located so that they are not visible from adjoining properties or from the street, and so that they do not impact the natural wooded buffer areas.

** C 5. varies with regard to keeping horses only-Amendments to section C 5:

For Division 1: horses may be kept in the area designated for stables and may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads or temporarily kept during daylight hours on the owner’s premises.

For Division 2: horses may be kept on Tracts A and B and may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads or temporarily kept during daylight hours on the owner’s premises.

For Division 3, part 1: horses may be kept and may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads.

For Division 3, part 2: horses may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads.

For Division 4: horses may be kept on lots 1 through 24 and may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads.

For Division 5: horses may be kept on lots 131 through 156 and may be ridden on designated bridle trails or roads

C.6 - Garbage, Refuse & Disposal

No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall be kept only in sanitary containers and screened so as not to be visible from roadways and adjoining lots.

Guidelines: ‘Garbage’ shall be defined as “any object in a broken or torn condition” and “worthless or discarded materials or objects.” This definition covers garbage, rubbish, and trash that is generally located in waste disposal containers. Other types of debris included in this definition and covered by this provision include, but are not limited to: construction waste, rotting firewood, discarded appliances or other household items, and/or other items which appear to be in a “broken” condition, but may not customarily be located in a garbage receptacle.

Also covered by this provision is the presence of vehicles which may be identified as “junk vehicles” as defined in the Revised Code of Washington RCW 46.55.010. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicles that are: extensively damaged or inoperable; missing wheels, tires, engines, transmissions, or other significant parts; or having a fair market value equal only to the approximate scrap value of the vehicle.

Homeowners must screen all waste disposal containers, landscaping materials, and compost bins. Acceptable screening methods are pursuant to the standard set forth in C.9 “Fences”. The screening must, at a minimum, hide the container or materials from the surrounding right-of-way and adjacent properties. Blue plastic tarpaulins (tarps) are not acceptable as appropriate screening material.

Enforcement- Reported violations of this provision will be addressed by notification to the Homeowner, followed by a requested removal of the garbage, refuse, or debris within ten (10) days of the date of notice. Failure to comply with such requests may result in, but not be limited to, actions in the Superior Court of Washington and/or other appropriate actions at law or in equity.

C.7 - Heavy Equipment

Trucks, tractors, bulldozers and other equipment shall not be stored in the open on any tract affected by these covenants.

Guidelines: ‘Heavy Equipment’ shall be defined to include, but not be limited to: any truck (except pickup trucks used for personal transportation) such as moving and towing, tractor, bulldozer, or other similar machinery which are more commonly associated with commercial rather than residential use. While this provision does not prohibit the storage of such equipment on any parcel within Mirrormont, it does require that such equipment is to be screened so as to not be visible from any adjacent property or street. Screening of such equipment shall meet the same criteria as set forth for recreational vehicles and garbage containers (C.5,6), and shall not impact the visual or physical wooded buffers between adjacent properties or roadways.

C.8 - Building Plan Approval

No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until the construction plans, specifications and plot plans have been approved by the architectural committee as to the harmony of exterior design with other homes in the subdivision.

Guidelines: For new single-family home construction or significant remodels, the following items shall be submitted for review by the Architectural Committee: site plan of affected property, including landscaping and/or re-planting plan; floor plans for each level or story; exterior elevations of all sides; list of exterior materials and colors. Plans should be professionally prepared and include specific information such as scale, dimensioning, and square footage. Submittals for minor remodels/projects-decks, shed or outbuilding, fence, etc-need not be professionally prepared, but should be of enough detail to clearly define location, size, appearance and materials. Plans shall be reviewed per the standards set forth for Architectural Plan Review (expansion link). Approvals will be made in writing from the Mirrormont Community Association, will specifically reference the affected property and describe those conditions under which approval may be granted. The Committee will maintain contact with the property owner at intervals throughout the construction project to ensure that each of the specified conditions is met.

C.9 - Fences

All fences shall be approved by the architectural committee as to uniformity of general design and architecture.

Guidelines: Fence plans must be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval. The plans need not be professionally prepared, but should be of enough detail to clearly define the following: location of entire fence line on the parcel in relation to property boundaries; description of fencing materials to be used; style of fence to be installed; height of fence to be installed in each area (if different heights/styles/materials are used.)

Acceptable fence styles and materials include, but are not limited to: split rail fencing; cedar plank privacy fencing; picket fencing. Chain-link or other wire mesh materials are not permitted in locations visible from the adjacent roadway, but may be approved in other locations, depending on the proximity to adjacent properties, roadways, and natural wooded buffers. Fence height, construction methods, placement, and other characteristics are required to comply with established codes of King County. Fences used for screening of recreational vehicles, waste receptacles, and other items requiring screening by these Covenants will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Approvals will be made in writing from the Mirrormont Community Association, will specifically reference the affected property and describe those conditions under which approval may be granted.All fences shall be approved by the architectural committee as to uniformity of general design and architecture.

Guidelines: Fence plans must be submitted to the Architectural Committee for approval. The plans need not be professionally prepared, but should be of enough detail to clearly define the following: location of entire fence line on the parcel in relation to property boundaries; description of fencing materials to be used; style of fence to be installed; height of fence to be installed in each area (if different heights/styles/materials are used.)

Acceptable fence styles and materials include, but are not limited to: split rail fencing; cedar plank privacy fencing; picket fencing. Chain-link or other wire mesh materials are not permitted in locations visible from the adjacent roadway, but may be approved in other locations, depending on the proximity to adjacent properties, roadways, and natural wooded buffers. Fence height, construction methods, placement, and other characteristics are required to comply with established codes of King County. Fences used for screening of recreational vehicles, waste receptacles, and other items requiring screening by these Covenants will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Approvals will be made in writing from the Mirrormont Community Association, will specifically reference the affected property and describe those conditions under which approval may be granted.

E.1 - Architectural Committee

The architectural committee shall consist of three members. The original board shall be the officers of Woodland Properties, Inc., who shall serve until their successors are designated as provided below. If any member should resign or die, the remaining members shall appoint a successor. At any time a majority of the tract owners of record may hold an election and appoint a new committee or revise the duties and powers of the existing committee.

Mission Statement: The Mirrormont Covenants, the Architectural Committee, and the Architectural Plan Review process seek to serve the Mirrormont Community in the following ways: to allow for consistent application of the Covenants in order to maintain, protect, and enhance the value, desirability, attractiveness, and unique character of the Mirrormont community; to assist each individual property owner within the community to properly plan for their construction process or site improvements; to assist property owners in dealing with situations in the community which may be deemed as non-conforming to the Covenants. The Committee endeavors to assist all Mirrormont residents on these issues, while also advocating a degree of community responsibility, involvement, and ownership in the process of enforcing the Covenants within our community.

E.2 - Term

These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of 25 years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the then owners of the affected land has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part.

E.3 - Enforcement

Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law or in equity against any persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant either to restrain violation or to recover damages.

Reported violations of these Covenants will be addressed through notification to the appropriate property owner, accompanied by a requested remedy of the stated violation within a specific time frame from the date of notice. Failure to comply with such requests may result in, but not be limited to, actions in the Superior Court of Washington and/or other appropriate actions at law or in equity, as provided for in the Revised Code of Washington, King County Code, or other applicable statue(s).

E.4 - Severability

Invalidation of any of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.

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